Site Potential Analysis

Coleman Architects provide a complete Site Potential Analysis service for heritage sites that thoroughly analyses the physical and cultural aspects of a heritage place and explores and evaluates the limitations and opportunities presented, and develops viable and sustainable long-term solutions for the site.


A Site Potential Analysis may include some, or all, of the following components depending on circumstances and/or requirements:

Site Assessment Study
An analysis of the physical conditions affecting a site and/or existing buildings and an evaluation of the constraints and possibilities they present. It may also include the full documentation of the existing structures to provide a basis for future planning and design work.

Heritage Assessments
Establish a clear understanding of the cultural significance of a place and the identification of the components that contribute to its significance. This may involve a simple assessment of an existing heritage citation or a comprehensive independent assessment.

Development of Design Parameters
Developed to provide guidance for future development planning based on the established cultural heritage significance of a place. These may include potential scope for demolition, the extent of potential new building envelopes and required conservation works.

Evaluation of regulatory impacts
Applicable regulatory issues, including heritage controls, universal access and fire protection, are reviewed and their potential impact on a place assessed.

Design Feasibility Studies
Conceptual architectural solutions are developed to explore potential uses for sites and the scale and form of potential new structures. Estimates of project costs may be prepared with a Quantity Surveyor to assist in determining the viability of potential projects.

Master planning
We believe strongly in the value of good master planning in any project, large or small. Staged development of the site can then be undertaken confidently, with a minimum loss of amenity and without limiting the potential for future development. Poor planning and insufficient forethought invariably results in poor operational solutions and unnecessary expense.